Available in Paperback, eBook, and Audiobook
Wilderness or Desert – The Hebrew meaning is an uninhabited and desolate land. The Desert is symbolized by darkness and loneliness. It is unplanned, unscheduled, and unwelcomed. As you undertake the passage in the Wilderness you feel empty and lost. The hollowness catapults you to a different place in your relationship with God.
As you travel through the Wilderness ask yourself - What does God want to teach me?
Once in the Wilderness, you can’t turn back. As the familiar set of circumstances has been destroyed. God’s relentless love protects and guides while you are in the Desert. The Lord pushes you to develop your abilities especially in areas where you think you can’t excel.
The Lord stands at every moment of your life guarding you. All along, He is pointing you toward the death of self and rebirth of the true self.
Available in Paperback, eBook, and Audiobook
God had a plan for the Israelites. The Lord could have guided the Hebrew Nation along the most direct route from Egypt (which bypasses the Red Sea). Instead, as they start their spiritual journey, He takes them on a longer path that looks decidedly unfamiliar. When you go through the Desert, the path is dark and strange.
After the shock wears off, you discern God’s heart, so you don’t spend your life going in circles (like the Israelites did). You move from independence to dependence on God.
If you see the trek to the end, you learn a new viewpoint about money and provision. This new perspective, honed by the Desert is different than imagined.
Prepare yourself for a trans-formation! The Wilderness journey will simultaneously upgrade your thoughts, emotions, and spiritual life.

* It is a purposeful Divine arrangement where God tests loyalty, thankfulness and obedience.
* It is a refining process like no other. It pushes you out of your normal routine and comfort zone.
* It is painful period of purpose and preparation and a necessary part of a Christian's personal and spiritual development.
* It is an unsettling place of struggle, suffering, and loneliness.
The Desert passage develops a significant portion of your future vision, strength, and faith. The Lord commences the schooling in character formation and spiritual growth. How you handle the Wilderness journey of courage determines, to a great extent, your personal destiny. There are signposts along the way confirming you are heading in the right direction.