Your organization has finally gotten in to a groove. The business is moving forward on all cylinders. Suddenly a competitor steps into your world and disrupts your business. OR you find that your core clientele is slowly moving their business else-where. No matter the circumstance, you try to hold on desperately to what you are accustomed to instead of breaking out and changing how you do business.
Let’s face it. We’re human. We don’t like change. But the business environment around us is constantly changing. The organizations that survive are the ones that can quickly adjust and adapt to new currents of commerce. Some of you are focused on simply surviving the present-day onslaughts. In fact, you are alarmed that you don’t have a plan in place how to respond to the disruptions attempting to overwhelm your business.
When you bring in Russell D. Ward to survey your business, he will examine all threats and problems. He will suggest changes to the organization’s values, habits, practices and priorities in order to move the business forward. Change can be difficult and even painful – but it is necessary if your business is to overcome the challenges that lies ahead.
A prudent business leader wisely solicits the help of an outside party – someone who understands, who can offer a fresh perspective and respond to the disruption. Russell guides organizations from the anxieties of their current situation to embark on an exciting adventure of discovery – the unearthing of new solutions and opportunities.
God understands that you are going to embark on something new because He is a part of it! Russell will pray with you and ask for God’s wisdom to be revealed to determine what proactive steps are to be taken.