The overarching theme of the Wilderness points toward loss. Here are few of the signposts signifying the Desert has entered your life:
* Unemployment
* Loss of money
* Sickness
* Loss of a relationship
* Grief
Discover God's principles to transition from hard times to a place of hope, freedom, and destiny!
Do you feel you
have hit a wall and
can’t seem to make
any headway?

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Available in Paperback, eBook, and Audiobook
For most of us, life has been fairly predictable. But what do we do when it DOESN’T make sense?
While trying to serve the Lord, events such as job loss, divorce, a miscarriage, money problems, illness or grief bleed into our lives. Those affected feel helpless, uncertain where to turn, how to change the situation, or what to do with the pain they feel. Still others are questioning the very presence of a loving God...
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Russell D. Ward
Bountiful, UT